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Wellpower Services

Tracy Power is currently based in Nelson, New Zealand... but thanks to the connective possibilities the internet provides, her knowledge and expertise in health and wellness can impact anyone's life around the world. She currently offers a range of online services to work through your health with you via phone or video chat and also treatment offers with the Wellpower Health Club coming soon in New Zealand.


Taking responsibility for your health is one of the most important decisions in your life and embarking on this journey is difficult but also, so rewarding. You will quickly see that conventional treatments manage symptoms but do not necessarily uncover the real root cause of the disease. Even if you choose conventional treatment it is vital to undertake this holistic journey alongside it, so you can support your body through treatment and eliminate the cause to ensure the disease does not return in the future.


Being diagnosed with a chronic disease such as cancer, leaves you with 2 options:

  1. You can surrender and hand over responsibility to your doctor, giving them the last say in your options, treatments and ultimately success or failure.

  2. Secondly you can make the much harder choice of taking charge of your own life, health and wellbeing, becoming educated and making the decisions that will ultimately change your life.

The first pitfall on embarking on an alternative journey is discerning between all the abundance of so-called cancer cures, treatments, protocols and supplements currently being offered. Not to discredit any of these, as they all have their place but there is 'no one stop shop cure'. All these 'cure' treatments do not take
into account your individual biology and circumstances and that everybody and every case is individual. We
all have a unique set of circumstances and reasons for our present condition... this is why it is important to have tailored treatments individualised just for you.

Important questions to ask yourself
* What caused my disease?
* What prevents my body from healing?
* What suppresses my immune system?
* What am I missing (deficiencies)?
* What do I have too much of (toxins)?
* What impact has stress had on my health?
* What will help me heal as an individual?

Working with me and through my in depth evaluation will help you answer these questions, enabling you to begin the journey to health... and one of the biggest steps you will ever take. It will help you pinpoint the cause(s) of your disease and provide you with the information you need to move forward and make the right choices for your future.



So that Tracy can help those who would benefit from her skill and expertise all over the world, she offers her online services via:

  • In Person

  • Phone Call

  • Video Chat (Skype/Zoom/Facetime)


Consults & Coaching

  • FREE Initial Consult (30minutes)

  • Wellness Consult (60minues) $125

  • Health Coaching $125p/hr

Wellpower Packages​

  • Wellness Package - $495
    Included in package: Initial 1hr consult, detailed questionnaire, analysis of questionnaire, 2 x 60 minute consultations, recommendations for wellness, strategies moving forwards

  • Conqueror Package - $795
    Included in package: Initial 1hr consult, detailed questionnaire, analysis of questionnaire, 2 x 60 minute consultations, recommendations for wellness, strategies moving forwards + 4 x 1hr Wellness Coaching sessions

  • Thriver Package - $1395
    Included in package: Initial 1hr consult, detailed questionnaire, analysis of questionnaire, 2 x 60 minute consultations, recommendations for wellness, strategies moving forwards + 10 x 1hr Wellness Coaching sessions


(Example shown for the 'Wellness' Package)

  1. The Comprehensive Questionnaire (you)
    This questionnaire is designed to receive information about all aspects of your health, life and wellbeing.
    It contains questions from birth to now that relate to all biological systems, diet and lifestyle
    habits, traumas, physiological, emotional and spiritual beliefs. This questionnaire builds the
    backbone and timeline that provides an understanding of the event/disease progression. Honesty
    is a must when filling out this questionnaire as only then can a true picture be painted to the cause
    of your disease, it also gives you a perfect opportunity for you to introspectively investigate your
    own life - knowing oneself can be a liberating experience coupled with A HA moments.

  2. The Initial Consultation (in person, via phone or video chat)
    Within this hour long conversation I will gain the remaining information to create a holistic picture of
    your health We will discuss blood and pathology results you have already supplied and/or
    requested further functional testing. The requested tests are discussed during the consult and
    both ease of availability and financial factors will be taken into account. This consultation may also
    contain an initial assessment of the cause of your disease, and strategies to address this if enough
    information has been collected thus far. Strategies may include supplementation, specific
    therapeutic intervention, diet and lifestyle alterations and referral for other therapies.
    I will follow up with an email which will include key points discussed during the consultation and
    any recommendations that were made. If further testing is required to get a deeper understanding
    of your case this will also be included in this email.

  3. Functional Testing (you)
    Following your initial consultation, the ball is back in your court as you evaluate and apply the
    recommendations that were discussed during the initial consultation. If further testing is required it
    is now your responsibility to attain these results. There may be some delays during this time for
    collection and interpretation of pathology results.

  4. Second Consultation (in person, via phone or video chat)
    The second consultation will answer any questions that you may have following your initial
    consultation. It will help you fully understand your condition and know the root cause that originally
    lead to its manifestation. The evaluation of your timeline pinpoints what underlying causes need to
    be addressed and treatment recommendations. Strategies may include supplementation, specific
    therapeutic intervention, diet and lifestyle alterations and possible referrals. This will give you
    incredible power to step into the healing process with certainty. You will save a lot of money in
    regards to ineffective treatments and devices which are not relevant to you.

    Understanding the origins of your disease you will then be armed with the information needed to
    begin re-balancing and restoring proper function within your body.

    This is the final stage of the evaluation and by its conclusion you will have a clear picture of your
    treatment path and the practical knowledge to apply the changes you seek.


Further Health Counselling by the hour or within a package will also be available to you to continue
your journey assisted by myself if so required.


*All prices are in NZD


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